Category Archives: instagram

seems obvious

red felt


It’s not actually red felt, but I thought it looked like it after the over the top processing provided by instagram. I always wish there were more controls available for the android version of it. Maybe some day they’ll make it more like the iPhone version. One can only hope.

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Last three donuts. I decided I needed the center one, as it didn’t look quite as sickly sweet as the other two. This was breakfast the second day of a Planter’s still shoot I was photographing.

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happy couple


Kyle & Lorrie looking a bit upset with things in general. Not sure what Kyle was frowning about, but I know what was pissing off Lorrie. The fact that I was holding the camera a couple of inches from her head was what was pissing off Lorrie.

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It was hot out, this bourbon helped keep thing cooler. The sun was shining directly through the glass, producing this very nice backlight situation.

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Waiting for food to arrive, I realized this was the symbol for infinity, which was about how long it took for the food to get there.

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the good & the bad


I’ve decided to try to put my instagram photos up here, as well. I’m taking them, so I don’t see why not. This is the remains of a steak I had eaten, divided into what I was planning on eating later and what I was planning on giving the dog.

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