Author Archives: clay
red felt
It’s not actually red felt, but I thought it looked like it after the over the top processing provided by instagram. I always wish there were more controls available for the android version of it. Maybe some day they’ll make it more like the iPhone version. One can only hope.
Last three donuts. I decided I needed the center one, as it didn’t look quite as sickly sweet as the other two. This was breakfast the second day of a Planter’s still shoot I was photographing.
happy couple
Kyle & Lorrie looking a bit upset with things in general. Not sure what Kyle was frowning about, but I know what was pissing off Lorrie. The fact that I was holding the camera a couple of inches from her head was what was pissing off Lorrie.
It was hot out, this bourbon helped keep thing cooler. The sun was shining directly through the glass, producing this very nice backlight situation.
Waiting for food to arrive, I realized this was the symbol for infinity, which was about how long it took for the food to get there.
the good & the bad
I’ve decided to try to put my instagram photos up here, as well. I’m taking them, so I don’t see why not. This is the remains of a steak I had eaten, divided into what I was planning on eating later and what I was planning on giving the dog.
china girl
last week (i think) in austin. it’s been a very good trip, but i’m looking forward to getting back home. people keep trying to convince me to move back here, but i don’t think i’m quite ready for the extended heat once again. I don’t know the story of this little figure, but she sits […]
beautiful mornning here in austin. sitting on the back deck, having coffee with cass and my brother kyle. this weather is reminiscent of portland in the summer. sadly, this weather is not reminiscent of austin in the summer.
Food Shark dining car
found these, unloved, on the dash.